Beirut Emergency Disaster Relief

A massive explosion has rocked the city of Beirut suddenly killing over 100 people and injuring many more. Shops and homes were destroyed and glass was shattered everywhere around the city from the immense impact of the explosion.

The people of Lebanon were already struggling with government issues and the effects of the coronavirus and now this blast has sent shockwaves into every home and will strand thousands into a state of chaos.

We at Humanitarian Hearts would like to put an EMERGENCY CALL TO ACTION and assist those directly affected in the city to help with all hospital and medical needs, for those families who’ve lost loved ones and who have been injured and affected by the blast.

Please donate to the following account:

Humanitarian Hearts Inc. 
BSB: 013-230
ACC: 2922-40005

International Swift Code: ANZBAU3M
Donation comment: Beirut

All proceeds will go to assist those affected by the blast with our contacts in the city.

We thank you in advance for your donation at this time of need.