“We’ve been gone, now we’re back”.

Which may have you asking, where have we been?

Just like the rest of the planet the last 20 months during the Covid 19 pandemic, we were challenged greatly.  We struggled to navigate as our headquarters are located in the world's most lockdown city, Melbourne, Australia. The people who have voluntarily given their time to Humanitarian Hearts were unable to do so, as we all individually struggled to maintain employment, home-schooling and daily life. 

Hoping to leave all that in the past.  We will remain focused and adaptable on our road to recovery. 

Looking forward to the future; our plans for 2022 are to keep you posted more frequently, keep up our annual donations, and  disaster emergency relief funds. Our long-term project Mother Earth Eco Sanctuary remains on the drawing board, and we hope to have some exciting updates in 2022. 

“Welcome back! We’ve missed you.”

Guest User