Empowering Dreams: Inaugurating a Quran Tahfiz Boarding School for Orphan Girls

In a world often fraught with challenges, there are stories that remind us of the power of collaboration, compassion, and the unwavering pursuit of a noble cause. The inauguration of the second branch of a Quran Tahfiz Boarding School for Orphan Girls in Indonesia stands as one such inspiring narrative. This achievement, a culmination of two years of dedication and support, was made possible through the combined efforts of Humanitarian Hearts, Rogers Foundation, the Mounajed Family, and Ustad Zaid Bachmid.

On the 24th of August, a day etched in the annals of meaningful endeavours, the school's doors swung open to welcome orphaned girls into an environment of growth, learning, and hope. This accomplishment was more than just the establishment of an educational institution; it was the realization of a dream to provide a nurturing space where young minds could thrive.

Humanitarian Hearts, driven by a vision of positive change, took the lead in this project, joined by the dedication and support of the Rogers Foundation and the Mounajed Family. Ustad Zaid Bachmid's involvement brought invaluable expertise and commitment to the venture.

The school's inception emerged as a beacon of light amidst the challenges posed by a global pandemic. COVID-19 disrupted plans, stretched timelines, and tested resolve. Yet, the collective determination of the partners remained steadfast. Their perseverance became a testament to the unyielding belief that transformative initiatives can weather even the harshest storms.

The heart of this achievement beats for the orphan girls who will now call this school home. Through a curriculum encompassing Quranic education, memorization, and nurturing life skills, the institution aims to empower these young souls with a strong foundation for their future. The partners share a vision of creating an environment where these girls not only learn but also thrive, where they not only find solace but also build dreams.

But the journey does not end with the opening of the school's doors. The partners acknowledge that ongoing support is essential to ensuring the school's sustained success. The establishment of an onsite masjid, the construction of pathways, provision for annual Qurban for the girls, and monthly personal needs for the students are all critical elements that require continued backing from the community.

How You Can Make a Difference?

Each achievement is a collective victory, an outcome of shared purpose. As the doors of the Quran Tahfiz Boarding School for Orphan Girls open, so does an opportunity for you to be a part of this transformative journey. Your support, whether through contributions or spreading awareness, holds the power to nurture dreams, shape destinies, and create lasting change.

The story of this school is not just about the bricks and mortar that make up its structure; it's about the dreams it fosters, the futures it shapes, and the hope it ignites. Together, let's continue to be the driving force behind positive change, standing as beacons of hope for those who need it most.

Your support remains pivotal in this ongoing journey:

  1. Establishing an onsite masjid - Requires funding of $30,000 USD

  2. Landscaping and pathways construction for the whole property - Requires funding of $5,000 USD

  3. Sponser an orphan girl at Nurul Quran for just $1 a day! ($30 a month)

Together, we have the opportunity to shape a brighter future for these orphan girls, transforming the legacy of loss into one of growth and empowerment. Your generosity is the cornerstone of this noble cause, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude for your involvement in this remarkable journey of compassion and hope.

Your Support is appreciated:-

For direct Bank Transfers:
Humanitarian Hearts Inc.
Bank: ANZ (Australia)
BSB: 013-230
ACC: 2922-40005
Donation note: Tahfiz

International donations are accepted, pls use this swift code: ANZBAU3M
Contact your bank and let them know you want to make a international transfer.