Empowering Dreams: Inaugurating a Quran Tahfiz Boarding School for Orphan Girls

In a world often fraught with challenges, there are stories that remind us of the power of collaboration, compassion, and the unwavering pursuit of a noble cause. The inauguration of the second branch of a Quran Tahfiz Boarding School for Orphan Girls in Indonesia stands as one such inspiring narrative..

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Be The Leaders...

The Mother Earth Eco Sanctuary Project, for Bandung Indonesia, came to life on the drawing board during 2016-17. Unfortunately, we came to a grounding halt 20 months ago, as we all navigated through our new reality.

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Guest User

Just like the rest of the planet the last 20 months during the Covid 19 pandemic, we were challenged greatly.  We struggled to navigate as our headquarters are located in the world's most lockdown city, Melbourne, Australia

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